In other news..... VICTORY REPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!
Victory Report #1
Prayer really works!!! I was running late for school... (as usual) and could NOT find a parking place!! SERIOUSLY! It was RIDIC! So just non-chalantly, I said Jesus help me find a parking space! LOL Next thing I know a lady was pulling out of the very FRONT parking space closest to the school!!!! Coincidence?!?! I think not!!! =)
Victory Report #2
We had our mid-term for Speech class today. First off, about 2 weeks ago, our teacher passed out the "study guide." Which was seriously 20 pages long. I FREAKED OUT! LOL I mean, come on! Who wouldn't!?!?! This is an AP Speech Class! I had NO CLUE what to expect! Anyways, our teacher told us last class it would be a 50 question multiple choice. We took the test individually and then he divided the class into two groups to take the test as a group. I think it was like 90% of the grade was your own and then 10% was the groups? Anyways he combined them somehow to make your final grade for the test. Did I study for the test?!?? NOO! Of course NOT! LOL I never study! I read the paper while I was driving to school if you want to call that studying. LOL So I was pretty much SURE I would flunk it. Pretty much sure. SO I get to class LATE like 5 mins. Start the test late... drudge through it and turn it in. When everyone was done we did it again as a group. Our teach is pretty much awesome and does all of his test grading right there in class. SO he graded the group one and said we made a 90%! NINETY! Which really isn't that good for a group grade. I mean it's ok... but not the best! You'd think we'd be smarter than that. So everyone started freaking out pretty much... yep. The first group had their grades and everyone was saying they made like 70's! EEK. I mean seriously, this really smart geeky girl made a SEVENTY EIGHT! I was REALLY in panic mode by this time. THEN the teacher was like, "Whitney, can you come here please? I need to explain something to you about your grade." I was like OMG! GREAT, I MADE A 50! LOL So I went up there and he was like you made a 94% and if I figure the group grade in, it will bring it down to a 93% so I'm not going to figure it in...... After I finished my victory shout and aisle running, I gave the teacher a hug! I made the highest grade in the class! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!?!?!!?!?!!? THANK YOU JESUS!!! =D
Victory Report #3
MY FINANCIAL AID IS GOING THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They processed it and have to wait to hear something back from the department of education? They said they would know something in 10 days or less! WOO HOO!!! =)
I went by my apartment again today and they put the appliances in the kitchen! YAY! They also painted the floor where the fridge is. I guess they had no where to put it while they were painting the rest of the floor first. Smart people, huh? It looks GOOD! I wish they would hurry up! =) I took some more pics! I'll post them tomorrow probly. maybe.
LOVES!!! =)
Vote Obama/Biden! McCain is a tard and Palin has ethics issues...
Nope, not voting for BO or McCalin. They both stink nearly equally in my opinion...Not exercising the franchise this year.
hhmmm...I definately think its your duty to vote as a citizen of the united states, whether either candidate is perfect is another story...has there ever been a perfect candidate? i think not! anyways, you seriously dont want to get me on that soap box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, so you need to bring yourself and your vogue pattern over:) adios, guna go dig through my mounds of material to see if theres anything i like!:)
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