Anyways... SO what's been up with you!? Not much huh?
I moved into my apartment! YAY! =) I'm tooootally still getting everything unpacked and stuff. So it's a MESS. LOL um yeah. Anyways here's some pics!
Pic of me and Shelbz from last night! K I'm gonna write my boring paper now! BUH BYE!!! =)
P.S.>>> HAHA This is too funny not to post! LOL We went on a scavenger hunt Friday night with the C&C and had to sing with a complete stranger... This is me and some guy singing Old McDonald in Target with rolled up sweaters as microphones! HAHA
Oh. My. Word. That video was interesting! =o) Whitney, you are...priceless! Glad you got moved in. Do you have any, like, furniture? There doesn't appear to be any in your pictures...
YAY!!! LOVE all the red =)
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