"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." -Matthew 6:33

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." -Jeremiah 29:11


Hello {again}.

You haven't heard from me in a while... Some things have changed in my life lately and I thought you should know. =] I'm going to try to update two blogs. Keyword there is try. If it doesn't work out, oh well. lol Anyways... Soooooo here's an update on muah. I've kind of changed directions a little bit with my schooling. I'm no longer attending OSUIT, I finished the summer semester out but didn't go back this fall. I'm going to pursue my Business Associates from TCC and then possibly get a Bachelors from OSU Tulsa in Business Management. It's was a bittersweet decision for me, I had a hard time leaving my classmates and AMAZING teachers behind but I felt God was leading me a different direction. I guess we'll see how all the pieces fit together in His timing. =] Thankfully my teacher KK was very understanding and supportive. I love and respect him SO much, he is passionate about what he does and has instilled that same passion for photography in me. He taught me things that I will never forget and for that I am grateful. That being said, I'm starting out on a new venture.

yay for new ventures. =]

I'm planning on officially launching my business by either the end of this year or the beginning of next year. I will be gathering cash, lots of cash to purchase equipment and props. I'm super excited about this new venture, I know it's going to take LOTS of hard work but I've always been up for a challenge. Wish me luck!

Now that I'll have more free time (since I won't be driving to and from Okmulgee everyday) I'll be working quite a bit more which will be nice. I'm currently without a vehicle... Ohhhhhhhh dear. =((( Hopefully that will be changing soon!!! THE LORD IS A PROVIDER!!!! =D I put my car in the shop last week and when it got out, it STILL wasn't working! I'm going to try to sell it and then go from there... Jesus help it! So if you see someone speeding around in a Wal-Mart cart, it's probably me! lol

I'm also halfway homeless at the time being? Whatever that means... But that's another story for another place... Boo for being halfway homeless...

The Lord is good and I love serving Him! There's nothing like knowing you're in His perfect will, even if you go through trials and tests, He's right there by your side. He is good.

I hope everyone's doing awesome! Leave me a comment to let me know if you're still alive! =]

Love love loooooove,

Whitneeeey <3

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

it looks like everyone died..lol..no one left a comment to tell you they were still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ) haha.. You should ask my dad to give you his motorized scooter he has..haaaaaaaahaha...I could see you ridin around town on a motorized scooter!!!!:)~