After many moons of people screaming at me to update my blog, here goes. I have been insanely busy lately. No kidding. Here's a list of what I've been up to...
1. Finishing up homework/papers for this semester... ONE WEEK LEFT PEOPLE!!!!
2. Photoshopping Old Client Orders...
3. Photoshopping Old Client Orders...
4. Photoshopping Old Client Orders...
5. Photoshopping Old Clint Orders...
6. I think you get the picture...
I am so sick of Photoshop it's not even funny. Seriously people just don't get a crater in your head ever, k? k.
Best worst news of the day?? I dropped my phone in the toilet this morning. Yes the water was clean. I was running late for my recital and ran in the bathroom to grab some hairspray with my phone and a few other things in my hands and KERSPLASH into the commode she goes! So yeah... to add to my already busy schedule, I have NO.CELL.PHONE!!! The one I was "trying to use" after my original phone jumped off the boat keeps going off like every 5 mins! Now it won't come on at ALL!!!!!!! For Pete's sake...
Anyways, I'm not sure what I'm doing updating, I have a million and one other things to do on my to do list....
Until later.
Whitley =)
ANNNDDD a picture.... What's a post without a picture?!?!?! Hmmm lemme find one real quick........

Me and Layner Bugs... Greeeaat times!!! =)

If you haven't laughed yet today, DO IT!!!!!!
HAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAA..... were we even awake and aware what was going on at that time in our lives ?????
Part of our final for music theory is a take home part writing test. I got an extra copy for you SINCE YOU SKIPPED CLASS LIKE A LOSER! lol
I cannot believe you actually updated your blog! I still chuckle about your phone too. HA!
ok so i am like SO AMAZED BY ALL THE MONEY YOU'VE RAISED!!! OMG!!! hahah...n e ways...:)~
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