If you keep reading and gag it's TOTALLY not my fault! I warned you!!!!
Ok. This is realllly weird! I've been sick for like 10 days or so now with allergies/sinuses... So like 4 days after being sick I went to the Dr he did a strep test on me and it came back negative, thank the LORD! He said it was just my sinuses and there wasn't really anything he could do about it. So he put me on antibiotics and told me to take an otc sinus med. I finished all of my meds and I'm feeling waay better now... Then last night at church after pre-service prayer I blew my nose and it was NEON YELLOW!!!!! Like BRIGHT yellow! Cindy almost threw up! LOL! I was freaking out!! I have NEVER had snot that color in my LIFE! I hope my brain fluids not leaking or something!!! Anyone know what this is from!? Someone told me I probably have a sinus infection, but I don't really feel sick anymore! All I have now is a mildly runny nose and my throat was a teensy bit sore this am... WeEIiIIrRD.
Anyways. Hope I didn't make you puke. =)
School is SOMUCHFUN this semester! I'm taking College Algebra, Ethics, Advanced Photoshop, Music Theory, and private voice lessons!!! My math and ethics classes are "have to classes"... the others are just for fun. I am extremely busy, that's for sure! I'm also starting up piano lessons again at the beginning of next month!! Hopefully this will be my last piano teacher! LOL =) I've taken lessons like 50x!
Church has been SOOOOOOO awesome lately!!! We're in revival with Bro.Thrasher. People have been getting the Holy Ghost like crazy! It's SOO AWESOME!! My cousin got the HG Mon night!!! =D A girl named Kellie got the HG last night! God's doing GREAT THINGS!!!!! =)
Since a post's not a post without a picture, enjoy looking at the flats on a treble clef in order. LOL! Sorry that's all I had!! haha
Oh yes Whitney, I actually experienced that back in September. My nasal drainage was a VERY colorful story. (I blogged about it on my Random blog, and thought people might get ill too). Mine turned out to be a sinus infection that reoccurred after West Coast. If it doesn't go away...go back to the Dr for antibiotics. lol
Oooo, and now I'm starving after reading that! Wait until it turns green..its really useful then. If you save it for long enough it starts to glow in the dark. Poor poor Cindi...and she's such a nice girl. Say hi for me and let her know what yellow is hot!
LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Your life is never dull, is it?!?! Hope you can come down this weekend!
uumm.....disgusting whitney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have similar and worse expierences since moving to OK!!! N E WAYS!!
Did i totally miss your cousing getting the Holy Ghost?!??! Im not remembering......ciao
Oh, thank you for sharing, Whitney! GROSSSSS!
Bro Thrasher is preaching for us right now! We had 6 people get the Holy Ghost last night!
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