Ok ok... HERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!! Heritage was ohsomuchfun... I think I got 8 hours of sleep the whole time I was there! Here are some pics, ENJOY! =D
Ok for some reason they are backwards... sooooo this is the end to the beginning.

Me n Brooke! Right before my loooong drive home!

Buncha people at Brit n Stephens!


All of us girls! + Carl Benji! =D

Attack of the paparazzi!! LOL

T-DAWG!!! lol!

Us girls again!

Me n James!

Me n Brooke!

Cory n ME!


Andy begging for food...

I actually ate that stuff... and LIKED IT! =D

James n his seaweed salad...


AWWW!!! How cute is this pic!?!?!

The soon 2 b Mr & Mrs!


Brooke, Me n Britt!

Trying to see whose arms are longer!?!? LOL

Alberto, Tim, Andys head, n me

ahhHHHh I hate writing captions!!!!

Rach, Crystal, Vivian, Brooke, Rosie!


DUDE! I LOVED the German Waffles!!!!

Me n Brooke..................

Some weirdos we found on the side of the road.

HA! Didn't quite work out!

Tim n Blake

Me n Brooklyn!

Poor guy! We split his last dollar!!

Me n Leesher!

Cory Layne n meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!


ooooo NOOoooOOOooooOO!

Me n Allykadabra

Me n brooke n ally


Me n brooookee

me n cameroon

Britt n meee

Caydens drunk???!? lol

Me n Milupa

Me n Shelbz

Dandy Andys Rockin Socks

Special Needs children


Jojo n ally

a million and one people


andy n stephen

james n carl

table fulla people

me n rissaroo
ok it took 27 years to upload all this messss......... Next time I will be doing a slideshow! LOL
T-DAWG?!?! ROFLOL!!! Good times, good times!!! More, coming up soon!!! YAAAAAAY!!!!!
WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?! What's up with the retardo picture of me eating my soup?! haha =) that's hilarious.
The picture of me taking a picture shows my one button undone. ha =)
Cant wait til you're here again, more good times! =) =)
Whitney.... looks like yall had a blast... i really wanted to go, but it was between that and Acts 2:38 which was what i needed to hear at that moment in time!! I can't wait to see you again... not sure when that will be... we are planning on coming to Tulsa for about 2 weeks in July, since my Grandparents will be there for 6 months starting next month... and of course it will be PEAK soon... ttyl.... you can always make me laugh, i loved the pics that took 27 years... i was ready to throw my computer outside a lil while ago when i was trying to upload some pics too...what is it with the uploading??? anywho... ttyl.. :)
HAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!! omg..your pics had me cracking up! We had waaaaaaay toooo much fun! We came home .50 richer! WOOT WOOT! aaaand..the hugs and kisses killed me!..that was the funniest thing! We def need to make it 2 one of these 50 bajillion confs we are talking about! LOL! Love ya mucho!
...2 bad we didnt have pics from Friday night before church! hahahahahahahahahahaha...=D=D
awww... your pictures make me miss Texas... I wish we could go back and time and do it all over again...:)... Great memories!!!
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