Hello my fellow Americans!
Ok... SO. Like in the last 3 weeks I've been asked at least 3 times each week if I'm Indian. LOL! Yesterday I had a lady ask me what nationality I was! HELLO!?!?! Do I look like I'm from Zimbabwe or something!?!?!? You'd think I have feathers sticking out of my head or something! YES! I live in a TEEPEE and take the canoe to and from work!! HAHA Just kinda tripped me out! I am Indian, but I guess I've been looking extra-indiany lately.
I went over to see the apartment again on two days ago and it's still not done... Sooooooooooo I won't be moving in this weekend, maybe next weekend. They are painting the walls right now. I'm going with Anita next Tuesday to pick out light fixtures. How cool is that!!? The people there have been SOOO awesome so far. Can't wait to move in!
I stilllllll need to post pics, I KNOW! Most of the time when I post I'm at work! I need to bring my camera cord w/me to school next week...
I gained 1.6 AGAIN! ugh. HEY! At least I'm consistant!! LOL BUT I'm back on track now and am hoping for a big loss next week!
I still haven't been to the FAIR! >=( I might go tonight with the C&C... We shall see... Yes we shall....
Hmmm.... back to work now.
=) Whitney
1 comment:
Weight Watcher's ROCK! =-)
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